Taught by Glen Blanscet, Room 303, begins January 19. 

The Bible contains many stories about people who trusted in God, who overcame opposition, persevered through suffering, and stood strong in their faith. These are the heroes of our Christian faith—men and women like Abraham, Moses, Esther, and Paul. But the Bible also tells of others who did not trust in God, many of whom were not simply unbelievers, but antagonists who openly hated and opposed God and His followers. These are the villains of the Bible—men and women like Cain, the Egyptian Pharaoh, Balaam, Jezebel, and Herod. This course focuses on the stories of the villains of the Bible. Through their stories, we will better understand the choices they made, the awful consequences of their decisions, and how we can better deal with evil and opposition to our faith.  
